Site Description

Site ID: NR05
Raritan Township, Hunterdon County
Stream Category: FW2-NT (Category 2, Non-trout waters)
Site monitors Neshanic River (Black Brook to FN/SN confluence)subwatershed (HUC: 02030105030060)
The site is located along Reaville Road, prior to Old York Road. There is a gravel pull off within sight of the riffle.

What is being monitored at this site?

Water Quality Data

Each June, Raritan Headwaters scientists and volunteers visit 72 stream sites in the North and South Branch Raritan Watershed Region (WMA8) of New Jersey to collect data on the health of our streams.  Data collected includes a sample of benthic macroinvertebrates (used to calculate the High Gradient Macroinvertebrate Index;HGMI score), an assessment of the habitat in and around the stream, and chemical conditions in the water.  Chemical parameters include dissolved oxygen, phosphate, chloride, specific conductance, nitrate, turbidity, pH, and temperature. The HGMI is used by the NJ Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) to determine if the site is meeting state and national water quality standards under the Clean Water Act. Click here to learn more about our stream monitoring program and water quality reports.


Site Data for NR05

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Threats and Recommendations

The HGMI at NR05 was found to be fair in 2019, which means it was biologically impaired. Because NR05 has been consistently impaired based on the HGMI for more than 2 years, it is part of our quarterly chemical monitoring program so that we can begin to identify and address the causes of impairment. This site is located within an agriculturally rich section of our watershed, which means that run off from farm fields as well as lack of riparian buffers are likely negatively impacting the water quality of this stream. Unlike HGMI, the habitat score at this site was optimal. Despite this optimal score, this stream is still lacking in stream bank vegetative protection and a sufficient riparian buffer.



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