For over 30 years, we have collected high quality data on the health of streams and aquifers in the North and South Branch Raritan Region (WMA8) of New Jersey.  But we don’t stop there.  We share our data, and the message we obtain from it, in easily digestable, interactive maps and report cards, as peer-reviewed reports and journal articles, and at our annual State of Our Watershed conference.  Our water quality data are analyzed by staff scientists and also shared with a variety of partners from academic institutions, municipal officials, government agencies, other non-profits, and academia, to inform research and decision-making aimed at protecting and restoring water resources.  Raritan Headwaters is frequently called upon to advise on policies based on our sound, scientific data and the lessons we have learned.

Welcome to our map gallery!

Explore our data below either by our interactive maps or download a map.

For questions please contact Melissa, GIS/IT Manager at

Online Map Gallery

Printable Maps and Projects


Budd Lake Watershed Restoration and Protection Plan (FINAL approved by NJDEP)

Aquatic and Terrestrial Connectivity at Stream-Road Crossings in the Upper Raritan, August 2022

Trends and Patterns in Stream Health in the North and South Branch Raritan Watershed Region, 1992-2017

Watershed Conservation Plan | project details

Groundwater Trends Analysis | project details


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