Testing your water is easy. Choose the way that’s right for you!

Raritan Headwaters offers testing year-round at our Bedminster and Flemington offices, as well as on designated days within communities throughout the watershed through our Community Well Testing Program. Residents on public water may also take advantage of our discounted pricing to test their water for lead and copper. Follow one of the links below to find out more.

Participate in a Community Well Testing event in your town.

RHA partners with municipalities throughout the region each spring and fall to offer residents the opportunity to test their well water. This program makes the important practice of regular well testing even easier and more convenient for residents.

Pick up a testing kit at a Raritan Headwaters office.

Well test kits are available year-round at our Main Bedminster Office as well as our South Branch Flemington Office (new location!). Explore our menu of testing options below, then order a kit online, or request a kit by calling our well test office at 908-234-1852 ext. 401.

On public water? Test for lead.

Public water purveyors test regularly for a variety of contaminants. However, their responsibility for water quality ends at your property line. Since lead contamination often occurs as the water travels through pipes in the home, it’s important to test your water at the tap, especially if your house was built before 1986.

Test Your Well Once a Year.

80% of the households in our region depend upon private wells for drinking water. The US Environmental Protection Agency recommends that household water be tested once a year to ensure the well is free from harmful bacteria and nitrates. Testing can be expensive, but RHA has established a program that provides residents of the Raritan Headwaters region water tests by a state-certified lab at reasonable rates. Information is not shared with any party other than the homeowner and results data can be used to assess groundwater quality in our area. Local Health Departments, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Center for Disease Control all recommend that private well owners test their drinking water annually for bacteria, nitrates, and any other contaminants that are known to be of local concern. Like annual preventative health screenings, an annual well test for bacteria and nitrates is an important part of maintaining good health.

You cannot see, smell or taste common well water contaminants. If a test finds contamination, there are measures that can be taken to correct it.



Well Testing Menu (PDF Download)

Water Testing Decision Guide (PDF Download) 

Test Fee Reasons to Test Possible Sources
Basic:  Total Coliform & Fecal Confirmation, Nitrates $70 Test every year. Cloudy water and/or recurrent gastrointestinal complaints from people drinking water.  High levels of nitrates are harmful to infants and pregnant women Cracks in well casing, faulty seal or seepage near well — septic system problems — stormwater runoff — seepage from fertilized land
Iron/Manganese $45 Discoloration of laundry or plumbing fixtures, rust stains and/or bitter or metallic taste Naturally occurring deposits — industrial wastes
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)

Includes new EPA ruling compounds: PFOA, PFNA, PFOS, PFHxS, HFPO-DA, PFBS

$295 Increased risk of some cancers including prostate, kidney, and testicular cancers, decreases in fertility or increases in high blood pressure in pregnant women, reduced ability of the body’s immune system to fight infections including reduced vaccine response, child development effects including low birth weight, accelerated puberty, bone variations, or behavioral changes, interference with the body’s natural hormones, increased cholesterol levels and/or risk of obesity PFAS-containing products (certain firefighting foams, non-stick cookware, stain-resistant carpets and furniture, water-resistant clothing, heat-resistant paper/cardboard food packaging, some personal care products), landfills, land applied sludge
Lead  $30 Harmful to pregnant women and children.  Can cause physical or mental development problems in infants or children and kidney problems or high blood pressure in adults Corrosion of household pipes, fittings and/or solder (soft water may be more corrosive than hard water)
Arsenic $35 Can cause increased risk of cancers, gastrointestinal ailments, diabetes and cardiovascular impacts Naturally occurring deposits — wood preservatives
Volatile Organic Compounds (32 chemicals) $115 High levels can cause liver, nervous system disorders, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, anemia and cancer Underground storage tanks — Gas stations  — landfills — hazardous waste sites — septic systems
Copper $25 Testing recommended if you are experiencing symptoms High levels can cause vomiting, diarrhea and stomach cramps/nausea. Long term exposure can cause anemia and disrupt liver and kidney function. Discoloration/blue-green stains of plumbing fixtures. Corrosion of household pipes and fittings. Soft water may be more corrosive.
Radon $55 Can be ingested or inhaled as gases are released from the water into the air.  Exposure to radon in drinking water can lead to lung cancer Naturally occurring, produced by the breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water.  Can enter the home through well water
Gross Alpha $85 Test at least once. Gross Alpha is a screen for uranium and radium. Can be ingested, or inhaled as gases that are released from the water into the air.  Exposure to gross alpha emitters in drinking water can lead to lung cancer Erosion of natural deposits of minerals that are radioactive — may emit alpha radiation, which can enter the home through well water

What’s in Your Water?

Explore our new online series of maps and information to learn about well water quality in the Raritan Headwaters.


Please see below for additional information regarding drinking water in NJ.