Who is watching out for our streams and rivers?

For the past 25 years Raritan Headwaters has been collecting high quality data as part of its award-winning Stream Monitoring Program.  With the help of our dedicated corps of over 100 trained citizen scientists, we are on the ground (and in the water) monitoring the health of our streams all year.  This includes our annual biological, habitat, and baseline chemical monitoring in June-July at 74 sites, bi-weekly chemical and bacterial monitoring at a subset of sites, quarterly seasonal chemical monitoring of our 2-year impaired sites, the Raritan Sentinel Climate Stations, pre- and post- restoration monitoring and response to environmental incidents affecting our waterways. Monitoring water is a big job and we need the help of citizens like you.


Join our Stream Monitoring Team  

Become a citizen scientist! (under 18 must have parent/guardian participate in trainings and monitoring.)

2024 training for new stream monitors

Work with a small team to conduct biological and visual assessments at stream sites in our watershed. This volunteer position requires the successful completion of intensive training in April/May and an approximately 10-12 hour time commitment in June.

“My dad taught me how to swim and fish in the Rockaway Creek. My most cherished family memories come from the banks of this stream. Now I take my kids to my favorite spot and some days the water looks so murky. How can I know if it is safe? Who can we trust to inform us?” -A friend of Raritan Headwaters

Wouldn’t you also appreciate knowing that the stream you love is safe for swimming and fishing for your children?   BE THE MOVEMENT. TAKE ACTION. SUPPORT YOUR WATERSHED WATCHDOG