Prairie warbler at Fairview Farm
Raritan Headwaters is excited to participate for the first time in New Jersey Audubon’s World Series of Birding. RHA’s birding team – the Watershed Warblers – is headed up by Lauren Theis, the Association’s Director of Education. Lauren started birding in 2010 with renowned birder, Randy Little, who was a member of RHA’s Stewardship Committee. “I discovered how much fun it was to hike with a birder. Ambient sounds of the forest became recognizable species. I found that fascinating!” says Lauren, who started birding on her own in the years that followed.

Lauren Theis, RHA’s Director of Education
Lauren and the Watershed Warblers will be raising funds to support Raritan Headwaters’ conservation work in the Upper Raritan watershed region, a 470 square-mile area located in Hunterdon, Morris, and Somerset counties. RHA is an accredited land trust, preserving and protecting critical habitat that supports New Jersey’s native and migratory bird species. By protecting clean water in streams and rivers, restoring climate resilient habitats, and educating residents, RHA works to protect precious natural resources and native wildlife populations from further decline.
From dawn until dusk, the Watershed Warblers will be focusing on public spaces and wildlife sanctuaries within the watershed region, including RHA’s headquarters, Fairview Farm Wildlife Preserve in Bedminster.

Bald eagle, photo by Lauren Theis
The Watershed Warblers will be searching for species that thrive in a healthy watershed, such as:
Neotropical migrants like white-eyed vireo, yellow warbler, prairie warbler…
Wading birds including great blue heron, green heron, American bittern…
Other water-loving birds such as northern waterthrush, belted kingfisher, wood duck, swamp sparrow…
Raptors like bald eagle, coopers hawk, red-shouldered hawk (endangered in NJ)…
…and many other clean-water-loving species!
We hope you support our Watershed Warblers and the protection of precious natural resources – your support makes a huge difference! Please donate today at www.raritanheadwaters.org/wsb. And follow their progress on May 11th on Instagram or Facebook!

Wood ducks, photo by Lauren Theis