Rita Matos has been invaluable to our stream monitoring team as she coordinates sampling with volunteers and assists with data collection in the field. Rita’s assistance on managing our corps of around 70 trained stream monitors has allowed us to continue to collect the high-quality data that we have become known for. Before joining RHA’s stream monitoring team, Rita earned her Master’s Degree in Biology at Montclair University and the School of Conservation (SOC) where she studied the home ranges and habitat use of the NJ state-threatened bobcat. During her time at the SOC she also worked as an environmental educator, leading school groups on ecological field trips. In addition, Rita has done work assessing culverts with New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife and the North Atlantic Aquatic Connectivity Collaborative (NAACC). Rita has a strong passion for protecting wildlife and has known since she was a child that she wanted to pursue wildlife biology.
July 1, 2021