Explore the night sky, during the day!Created by Lauren Theis, Director of Education.
Cardboard Tube Constellations:
- Cardboard tubes
- Printout of Pinhole Constellations worksheet, or have it open on your computer for reference.
- A safety pin, pushpin, or pipe cleaner
- Construction paper (a dark color is best)
- Rubber Bands
- Glue
Constellation Luminary
- Clear plastic or glass jar
- Printout of
- Pinhole Constellations worksheet, or have it open on your computer for reference.
- A safety pin, pushpin, or pipe cleaner
- Construction paper (a dark color is best)
- Crayon (light color is best)
- Tape or Glue
- An battery powered candle
For the Cardboard Tube Constellations:
- Cut out the constellations you’d like to make, including the name of the constellation.
- Glue it to a piece of construction paper.
- Poke holes where the stars are using your pushpin, safety pin or pipe cleaner. You might want to make the holes a little larger by wiggling the pin around a little bit.
- Using the rubber band, wrap the construction paper around the tube so the constellation is at the very top.
- Decorate your Cardboard Tube Constellations however you like!
For the Constellation Luminary
- Cut the construction paper so it can wrap around your jar.
- Using a light colored crayon or colored pencil and the constellation worksheet for reference, draw dots where the stars go in your chosen constellations.
- Poke holes where the stars are using your pushpin, safety pin or pipe cleaner. You might want to make the holes a little larger by wiggling the pin around a little bit.
- Wrap the paper around your jar and secure it using tape or glue.
- Set your candle inside and let it glow!
Click here for some fun stories about the constellations in the night sky!
Wrap Up:
How did you like this activity? Please share any questions, comments, or photos that you and your child have on the Raritan Headwaters Learning Community Facebook Page!
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